On friday, the day before christmas, a piece of wood felt down on my ankle, very stupid, no big thing. I just went on with the things i was doing. But in the evening, it began to hurt incredible; i even could not sleep the xmas night. I could not walk at all on it. I had to "walk" on my hands.
All my fears came up that i would not be able to join the family reunion on xmas day.
But during the night i understood why this happened, i got the root of it.
From that moment on, i knew i could heal myself very fast, based on my experiences in China with healing myself.
I repeated whole night 8 phrases.
In the morning, i could already handle a little bit of pressure on my toes, so i went with crutches in the car and drove the 2 hours trip to my family, repeating 8 phrases all time. In the afternoon i took a rest because i was so tired of not sleeping during the night, and when i woke up, my foot was again better.
On sunday morning i could walk again without crutches.
And guess, also on sunday morning a friend called me. He was rather depressed: "can i come to you today, i want to learn about qigong."
unbelievable, no???
with love,